Inspiring Partnership Announcement: Toyota is an official automotive partner of 2015 Special Olympics World Games
Inspiring Partnership Announcement: Toyota is an official automotive partner of 2015 Special Olympics World Games

How big is the event? The World Games will bring 7,000 athletes and 3,000 coaches from 177 countries to Los Angeles to compete in the largest Los Angeles sporting event since the 1984 Summer Olympics, which will take place July 25-August 2, 2015. Toyota announced an inspiring news that the world’s largest automaker is now sponsoring the world’s most inspiring athletic event, the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015. The organizing committee will get to use 400 Toyota[...]

Your purchase is extremely valuable for us and it will make a difference.
Your purchase is extremely valuable for us and it will make a difference.

Kait, we are immensely grateful for your generous donation. The items you purchased will be used as intended, to socialize our pets. Every gift item is needed and holds a lot of value for our organization. We are so happy to have you as our supporter and would like to assure you that your generous gesture is making a difference.

We are so happy to have you as a supporter of our work, thank you!
We are so happy to have you as a supporter of our work, thank you!

It is with the highest level of gratitude that we write to you, Carol. From the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank you for such a generous donation to our organization. We are fortunate to have you as a supporter of our cause and will be happy to share with you stories of how the items you purchased are being used.

From San Francisco to Truckee Fundraising bike ride with GOODdler
From San Francisco to Truckee Fundraising bike ride with GOODdler

On Saturday, August 16, 2014, GOODdler organizes and sponsors the second annual SF2Truckee Bike Ride to help one of its donees, Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe to meet its needs.   Team California89 member Seva Fridman will ride his bicycle from the South end of San Francisco Golden Gate bridge to the Downtown Truckee in a grueling ONE DAY push. The ride is estimated at about 240 miles long, over 16,000ft of climbing and more than 14,000(!)[...]

#StrongerThan: Celebrating Malala Day!
#StrongerThan: Celebrating Malala Day!

We first heard about Malala Yousafzai in October of 2012. She was all over the news, shown as a victim of a gunman who fired a few shots at her in the school bus in Northwest Pakistani district of Swat. Miraculously, she survived the assassination attempt.  In the days and months following the attack she became “the most famous teenager in the world”. She was only 15 at the time of the attack and there were many people who have been attacked in that part of the world on the daily[...]

Second life of a Muni Bus: Mobile Shower for Homeless in San Francisco
Second life of a Muni Bus: Mobile Shower for Homeless in San Francisco

How did you enjoy your last shower? Did you even think about it? But for a homeless getting clean is the challenge. We met at a historic The Women’s Building, in the heart of Mission District in San Francisco.“It was a first true coworking space for women-led businesses in San Francisco”, said Doniece Sandoval, a beautiful, youthful looking woman who, as we were pleasantly surprised, was a founder of Lava Mae, a unique non-profit that takes on[...]

Donating a Gift of a Better Future
Donating a Gift of a Better Future

Who did you want to be when you were a child? Did you have a dream of one day becoming an astronaut, a ballerina, NBA player, a teacher? Most of us had some pretty fancy desires that were fuelled by the adventures of heroes from popular shows. When I first heard that a 10 year old girl Stacy* wanted to clean airplanes when she grows up, I couldn’t  believe it. What? To clean airplanes? Yes! Stacy, a shy little girl from a single parent family was just recently assigned a mentor by Friends[...]

We are grateful for your purchase, love to see you support us.
We are grateful for your purchase, love to see you support us.

We are ecstatic! Thank you for your interest in our organization and your purchase. Every penny you spent on the goods goes toward achieving our goals. Nothing will be wasted. Every item on our list is super needed. Your purchase is highly appreciated and valued.

Shakira and Activia create a new video for World Cup 2014 to support World Food Program. Support donating gifts on Gooddler.
Shakira and Activia create a new video for World Cup 2014 to support World Food Program. Support donating gifts on Gooddler.

As we are heading into a long holiday weekend, we want you to have some fun. We love when celebrities use their work to promote good causes. Shakira, who is well known for her philanthropic work did it again. She teamed up with a yogurt brand Activia to create a fun video to support the World Food Program (WFP) and to communicate its work tackling world hunger. Premiered in May, it celebrates the world’s passion for World Cup 2014. Here it is:  “La La La (Brazil 2014)”. Enjoy! You[...]

Influx of unaccompanied migrant children creates a need for more help. If you know of any shelter that is in need of basic necessities for children, you can help by creating a wishlist for them on Gooddler.
Influx of unaccompanied migrant children creates a need for more help. If you know of any shelter that is in need of basic necessities for children, you can help by creating a wishlist for them on Gooddler.

More than 50,000 children crossed US border within the last year, many of them are from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Epidemic gang violence and extreme poverty are the reason why parents are sending their children away. It is desperation that drives families, mostly from poor rural areas of Latin America, to take a huge risk and see their children go into unknown. It is a crisis for all involved. Funded by government Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program that was created to handle[...]

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West promote donating gifts
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West promote donating gifts

According to TMZ sources, the wealthy couples,  such as Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, have told friends to not bother sending them any baby gifts. Instead, they are encouraging donations. Follow their advice, pick the cause, and do good by purchasing gifts to your favorite charity on platform.  

Heal The World With Friendship. The best way to celebrate International Day of Friendship is to support Friends For Youth!
Heal The World With Friendship. The best way to celebrate International Day of Friendship is to support Friends For Youth!

Declared by United Nations General Assembly in 2011, International Day of Friendship is celebrated globally on July 30th. UN Photo/John Isaac  The best way to celebrate International Day of Friendship is to support those, who don’t have friends. Friends For Youth, non-profit organization, provides an academic support to youth and hosts life skills workshops that are essential to teach youth to deal with what life throws at them. Adult mentors ofFriends For Youth become[...]

Big THANKS! Daria, pets will be happy to receive your gifts!
Big THANKS! Daria, pets will be happy to receive your gifts!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are super excited to have your support. We would not be able to achieve our goal of getting the items that are on our wishlist if it wasn’t for people like you, who are willing to help. We want to assure you that your gesture was noticed and is highly appreciated.

Chloe’s Story – A very special dog helped by a loving group of people.
Chloe’s Story – A very special dog helped by a loving group of people.

There is so much need everywhere around us. Gooddler’s goal is to give a voice to charities that carry a difficult load, serving communities to make this world a better place. We are proud to be partners with Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe that is dedicated to saving and improving the lives of pets. To continue to do so day after day they rely on the help of donors. Help comes in many different forms; monetary donations, purchasing items from their wishlist on Gooddler,[...]

Every item on our list is super needed. Your purchase is highly appreciated and valued.
Every item on our list is super needed. Your purchase is highly appreciated and valued.

We are ecstatic! Thank you for your interest in our organization and your purchase. Every penny you spent on the goods goes toward achieving our goals. Nothing will be wasted. Every item on our list is super needed. Your purchase is highly appreciated and valued.

Thank you Alex, super exciting that you found us!
Thank you Alex, super exciting that you found us!

We are immensely grateful for your generous donation. The item(s) you purchased will be used to advance our cause. Every item is needed and holds a lot of value for our organization. We are so happy to have you as our supporter and would like to assure you that your generous gesture is making a difference.

Gooddler’s wish lists are changing the way we donate. Your purchase will change lives.
Gooddler’s wish lists are changing the way we donate. Your purchase will change lives.

Thank you for your purchase. We are thrilled to have you as our supporter and would like to let you know that your donation is greatly appreciated. Every item on our wishlist was thoughtfully selected and holds a lot of value for our organization. Thus your purchase will make a difference.  Gooddler’s wish lists are changing the way we donate. Your purchase will change lives.  Holding Holiday Drive? Talk like a start-up, do it online! Not everyone is fortunate enough to have presents[...]

Thank you Jeanne for your support!
Thank you Jeanne for your support!

We are immensely grateful for your generous donation. The item(s) you purchased will be used to advance our cause. Every item is needed and holds a lot of value for our organization. We are so happy to have you as our supporter and would like to assure you that your generous gesture is making a difference.

Thank you! We are super excited to have your support.
Thank you! We are super excited to have your support.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are super excited to have your support. We would not be able to achieve our goal of getting the items that are on our wishlist if it wasn’t for people like you, who are willing to help. We want to assure you that your gesture was noticed and is highly appreciated.

We are ecstatic! Every penny you spent on the goods goes toward achieving our goals.
We are ecstatic! Every penny you spent on the goods goes toward achieving our goals.

We are ecstatic! Thank you for your interest in our organization and your purchase. Every penny you spent on the goods goes toward achieving our goals. Nothing will be wasted. Every item on our list is super needed. Your purchase is highly appreciated and valued.

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